来源:2020-10-29 14:49:00 热度:


AI中国网 https://www.cnaiplus.com

国际象棋是一种在棋盘上玩的双人战略棋盘游戏,棋盘格式为 64 格,排列在 8×8 网格中。有人无聊的时候会找电脑下国际象棋,但也有人无聊了会教电脑下棋。

国际象棋可以说是最棒的棋盘游戏之一,它是战略战术和纯技术的完美融合。每位玩家开局时各有 16 枚棋子:一王、一后、两车、两马、两象和八兵,各具不同功能与走法。真人对弈可以凭借玩家的经验,步步为营。那么,对于一个机器——计算机,你该如何教会它下棋?近日,有人在 medium 上发表了一篇文章,详细解释了如何教计算机玩国际象棋。

本文将从 5 个方面进行介绍:

  • Board 表示;

  • Board 评估;

  • 移动选择;

  • 测试 AI;

  • 接口测试。

在开始之前,你只需要提前安装 Python3。

Board 表示


python-chess 库为我们提供了棋子的移动生成和验证,简化了工作,安装方式如下:

!pip install python-chess

python-chess 库安装好后,导入 chess 模块并进行初始化:

import chessboard = chess.Board()board

在 notebook 中的输出如下所示:

board 对象是一个完整的 board 表示,该对象为我们提供了一些重要的函数,例如,board.is_checkmate() 函数检查是否存在将杀(checkmate),board.push() 函数附加一个移动,board.pop() 函数撤销最后一次移动等。阅读完整的文档请参阅:https://python-chess.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Board 评估

为了对 board 进行初步评估,必须考虑一位大师在各自比赛中的想法。


  • 避免用一个小棋子换三个兵;

  • 象总是成对出现;

  • 避免用两个小棋子换一辆车和一个兵。


  • 象 > 3 个兵 & 马 > 3 个兵;

  • 象 > 马;

  • 象 + 马 > 车 + 兵。

通过化简上述方程,可以得到:象 > 马 > 3 个兵。同样,第三个方程可以改写成:象 + 马 = 车 + 1.5 个兵,因为两个小棋子相当于一个车和两个兵。

使用 piece square table 来评估棋子,在 8x8 的矩阵中设置值,例如在国际象棋中,在有利的位置设置较高的值,在不利的位置设置较低的值。

例如,白色国王越过中线的概率将小于 20%,因此我们将在该矩阵中将数值设置为负值。


理论就讲这些,现在我们来初始化 piece square table:

pawntable = [    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    5, 10, 10, -20, -20, 10, 10, 5,    5, -5, -10, 0, 0, -10, -5, 5,    0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0,    5, 5, 10, 25, 25, 10, 5, 5,    10, 10, 20, 30, 30, 20, 10, 10,    50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]knightstable = [    -50, -40, -30, -30, -30, -30, -40, -50,    -40, -20, 0, 5, 5, 0, -20, -40,    -30, 5, 10, 15, 15, 10, 5, -30,    -30, 0, 15, 20, 20, 15, 0, -30,    -30, 5, 15, 20, 20, 15, 5, -30,    -30, 0, 10, 15, 15, 10, 0, -30,    -40, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, -20, -40,    -50, -40, -30, -30, -30, -30, -40, -50]    bishopstable = [    -20, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -20,    -10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, -10,    -10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, -10,    -10, 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, -10,    -10, 5, 5, 10, 10, 5, 5, -10,    -10, 0, 5, 10, 10, 5, 0, -10,    -10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10,    -20, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -20]    rookstable = [    0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0,    -5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,    -5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,    -5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,    -5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,    -5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,    5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]    queenstable = [    -20, -10, -10, -5, -5, -10, -10, -20,    -10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10,    -10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, -10,    0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, -5,    -5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, -5,    -10, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, -10,    -10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10,    -20, -10, -10, -5, -5, -10, -10, -20]    kingstable = [    20, 30, 10, 0, 0, 10, 30, 20,    20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20,    -10, -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, -10,    -20, -30, -30, -40, -40, -30, -30, -20,    -30, -40, -40, -50, -50, -40, -40, -30,    -30, -40, -40, -50, -50, -40, -40, -30,    -30, -40, -40, -50, -50, -40, -40, -30,    -30, -40, -40, -50, -50, -40, -40, -30]



这个阶段的背后编码逻辑是:如果它在 checkmate 时返回 true,程序将会检查轮到哪方移动。如果当前轮到白方移动,返回值为 - 9999,即上次一定是黑方移动,黑色获胜;否则返回值为 + 9999,表示白色获胜。对于僵局或比赛材料不足,返回值为 0 以表示平局。


if board.is_checkmate():        if board.turn:            return -9999        else:            return 9999if board.is_stalemate():        return 0if board.is_insufficient_material():        return 0

第二步,计算总的棋子数,并把棋子总数传递给 material 函数。

wp = len(board.pieces(chess.PAWN, chess.WHITE))bp = len(board.pieces(chess.PAWN, chess.BLACK))wn = len(board.pieces(chess.KNIGHT, chess.WHITE))bn = len(board.pieces(chess.KNIGHT, chess.BLACK))wb = len(board.pieces(chess.BISHOP, chess.WHITE))bb = len(board.pieces(chess.BISHOP, chess.BLACK))wr = len(board.pieces(chess.ROOK, chess.WHITE))br = len(board.pieces(chess.ROOK, chess.BLACK))wq = len(board.pieces(chess.QUEEN, chess.WHITE))bq = len(board.pieces(chess.QUEEN, chess.BLACK))

第三步,计算得分。material 函数得分的计算方法是:用各种棋子的权重乘以该棋子黑白两方个数之差,然后求这些结果之和。而每种棋子的得分计算方法是:该棋子在该游戏实例中所处位置的 piece-square 值的总和。

material = 100 * (wp - bp) + 320 * (wn - bn) + 330 * (wb - bb) + 500 * (wr - br) + 900 * (wq - bq)pawnsq = sum([pawntable[i] for i in board.pieces(chess.PAWN, chess.WHITE)])pawnsq = pawnsq + sum([-pawntable[chess.square_mirror(i)]                       for i in board.pieces(chess.PAWN, chess.BLACK)])knightsq = sum([knightstable[i] for i in board.pieces(chess.KNIGHT, chess.WHITE)])knightsq = knightsq + sum([-knightstable[chess.square_mirror(i)]                           for i in board.pieces(chess.KNIGHT, chess.BLACK)])bishopsq = sum([bishopstable[i] for i in board.pieces(chess.BISHOP, chess.WHITE)])bishopsq = bishopsq + sum([-bishopstable[chess.square_mirror(i)]                           for i in board.pieces(chess.BISHOP, chess.BLACK)])rooksq = sum([rookstable[i] for i in board.pieces(chess.ROOK, chess.WHITE)])rooksq = rooksq + sum([-rookstable[chess.square_mirror(i)]                       for i in board.pieces(chess.ROOK, chess.BLACK)])queensq = sum([queenstable[i] for i in board.pieces(chess.QUEEN, chess.WHITE)])queensq = queensq + sum([-queenstable[chess.square_mirror(i)]                         for i in board.pieces(chess.QUEEN, chess.BLACK)])kingsq = sum([kingstable[i] for i in board.pieces(chess.KING, chess.WHITE)])kingsq = kingsq + sum([-kingstable[chess.square_mirror(i)]                       for i in board.pieces(chess.KING, chess.BLACK)])

第四步,计算评价函数,此时将会返回白棋的 material 得分和各棋子单独得分之和。

eval = material + pawnsq + knightsq + bishopsq + rooksq + queensq + kingsqif board.turn:    return evalelse:    return -eval



算法的最后一步是用 Minimax 算法中的 Negamax 实现进行移动选择,Minimax 算法是双人游戏(如跳棋等)中的常用算法。之后使用 Alpha-Beta 剪枝进行优化,这样可以减少执行的时间。

现在让我们深入研究一下 minimax 算法。该算法被广泛应用在棋类游戏中,用来找出失败的最大可能性中的最小值。该算法广泛应用于人工智能、决策论、博弈论、统计和哲学,力图在最坏的情况下将损失降到最低。简单来说,在游戏的每一步,假设玩家 A 试图最大化获胜几率,而在下一步中,玩家 B 试图最小化玩家 A 获胜的几率。

为了更好地理解 minimax 算法,请看下图:

维基百科中 minimax 树举例

为了得到更好的结果,使用 minimax 变体 negamax,因为我们只需要一个最大化两位玩家效用的函数。不同点在于,一个玩家的损失等于另一个玩家的收获,反之亦然。


negamax 示例

首先,我们将 alpha 设为负无穷大,beta 设为正无穷大,这样两位玩家都能以尽可能差的分数开始比赛,代码如下:

except:    bestMove = chess.Move.null()    bestValue = -99999    alpha = -100000    beta = 100000    for move in board.legal_moves:        board.push(move)        boardValue = -alphabeta(-beta, -alpha, depth - 1)        if boardValue > bestValue:            bestValue = boardValue            bestMove = move        if (boardValue > alpha):            alpha = boardValue        board.pop()    return bestMove


search 函数的流程图

下一步是进行 alpha-beta 的剪枝来优化执行速度。

来自维基百科的 alpha-beta 剪枝说明


def alphabeta(alpha, beta, depthleft):    bestscore = -9999    if (depthleft == 0):        return quiesce(alpha, beta)    for move in board.legal_moves:        board.push(move)        score = -alphabeta(-beta, -alpha, depthleft - 1)        board.pop()        if (score >= beta):            return score        if (score > bestscore):            bestscore = score        if (score > alpha):            alpha = score    return bestscore

现在,让我们用下面给出的流程图来调整 alphabeta 函数:

现在是静态搜索,这种搜索旨在仅评估静态位置,即不存在致胜战术移动的位置。该搜索需要避免由搜索算法的深度限制所引起的水平线效应(horizon effect)。


def quiesce(alpha, beta):    stand_pat = evaluate_board()    if (stand_pat >= beta):        return beta    if (alpha < stand_pat):        alpha = stand_patfor move in board.legal_moves:        if board.is_capture(move):            board.push(move)            score = -quiesce(-beta, -alpha)            board.pop()if (score >= beta):                return beta            if (score > alpha):                alpha = score    return alpha

简单总结一下 quiesce 函数:

quiesce 函数流程图。

测试 AI


import chess.svgimport chess.pgnimport chess.enginefrom IPython.display import SVG

测试有 3 项:

  • AI 对弈人类;

  • AI 对弈 AI;

  • AI 对弈 Stockfish。

1. AI 对弈人类:

# use this for computer movemov = selectmove(3)board.push(mov)board# use this for human move, where e5 is the example moveboard.push_san("e5")board

AI 选择从 g1 到 f3,这是一个很明智的选择。

2. AI 对弈 AI:

count = 0movehistory = []game = chess.pgn.Game()board = chess.Board()while not board.is_game_over(claim_draw=True):if board.turn:count += 1print(f'n{count}]n')move = selectmove(3)board.push(move)print(board)print()else:move = selectmove(3)board.push(move)print(board)game.add_line(movehistory)game.headers["Event"] = "Self Tournament 2020"game.headers["Site"] = "Pune"game.headers["Date"] = str(datetime.datetime.now().date())game.headers["Round"] = 1game.headers["White"] = "Ai"game.headers["Black"] = "Ai"game.headers["Result"] = str(board.result(claim_draw=True))print(game)SVG(chess.svg.board(board=board,size=400))

3. AI 对弈 Stockfish:

count = 0movehistory = []game = chess.pgn.Game()board = chess.Board()engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci("your_path/stockfish.exe")while not board.is_game_over(claim_draw=True):    if board.turn:        count += 1        print(f'n{count}]n')        move = engine.play(board, chess.engine.Limit(time=0.1))        movehistory.append(move.move)        board.push(move.move)        print(board)    else:        move = selectmove(3)        movehistory.append(move)        board.push(move)        print(board)game.add_line(movehistory)game.headers["Result"] = str(board.result(claim_draw=True))print(game)SVG(chess.svg.board(board=board, size=400))

可以得出:AI 还不够智能,不足以打败 stockfish 12,但仍然坚持走了 20 步。


上述测试方式看起来代码很多,你也可以写一个接口测试 AI。

# Remaining importsimport tracebackfrom flask import Flask, Response, requestimport webbrowser# Searching Ai's Movedef aimove():move = selectmove(3)board.push(move)# Searching Stockfish's Movedef stockfish():engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci("your_path/stockfish.exe")move = engine.play(board, chess.engine.Limit(time=0.1))board.push(move.move)app = Flask(__name__)# Front Page of the Flask Web Page@app.route("/")def main():global count, boardret = '<html><head>'ret += '<style>input {font-size: 20px; } button { font-size: 20px; }</style>'ret += '</head><body>'ret += '<img width=510 height=510 src="/board.svg?%f"></img></br></br>' % time.time()ret += '<form action="/game/"method="post"><button name="New Game"type="submit">New Game</button></form>'ret += '<form action="/undo/"method="post"><button name="Undo"type="submit">Undo Last Move</button></form>'ret += '<form action="/move/"><input type="submit"value="Make Human Move:"><input name="move"type="text"></input></form>'ret += '<form action="/dev/"method="post"><button name="Comp Move"type="submit">Make Ai Move</button></form>'ret += '<form action="/engine/"method="post"><button name="Stockfish Move"type="submit">Make Stockfish Move</button></form>'return ret# Display Board@app.route("/board.svg/")def board():return Response(chess.svg.board(board=board, size=700), mimetype='image/svg+xml')# Human Move@app.route("/move/")def move():try:move = request.args.get('move', default="")board.push_san(move)except Exception:traceback.print_exc()return main()# Make Ai’s Move@app.route("/dev/", methods=['POST'])def dev():try:aimove()except Exception:traceback.print_exc()return main()# Make UCI Compatible engine's move@app.route("/engine/", methods=['POST'])def engine():try:stockfish()except Exception:traceback.print_exc()return main()# New Game@app.route("/game/", methods=['POST'])def game():board.reset()return main()# Undo@app.route("/undo/", methods=['POST'])def undo():try:board.pop()except Exception:traceback.print_exc()return main()


board = chess.Board()webbrowser.open("")app.run()



AI中国网 https://www.cnaiplus.com



